Why don't we celebrate Black Friday at Blauver? At Blauver, every decision we make is guided by our values. That's why, instead of joining the big Black Friday promotions, we prefer to stay true to our philosophy: encourage conscious consumption, p... Nov 28, 2024 the news
Why this constant fight against aging? From advertising to the beauty industry, people, especially women, are constantly fed messages that reinforce the idea that aging is about losing value. This anti-aging narrative turns every wrinkle i... Oct 18, 2024 the news
Why is it good to take spirulina in summer? When summer comes, it's easy to relax and let go of those healthy habits that make us feel so good. That's why today we present you 7 reasons why incorporating fresh spirulina into your summer diet ca... Jul 25, 2024 the news
Fresh Spirulina vs. Processed Spirulina: Which is the best option for me? Yes, you read it right "The spirulina you take is not good for your health", this is the reality of many people who consume spirulina without knowing its origin and with this article you will discover... Jun 28, 2024 the news
Blue green revolution En los años 60 la llamada revolución verde, logró aumentar de forma espectacular la producción global de alimentos, gracias al uso de tecnología avanzada y también al uso indiscriminado de productos q... Nov 6, 2023 the news