Subscription Fresh Spirulina ECO
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Subscribe to our fresh spirulina and forget about buying it every month. We send you 60 single doses every two months with free shipping so you only have to worry about enjoying its benefits.

Ideal for mixing into yogurt, smoothies, purees, or your water bottle. Its fresh format preserves 100% of its nutrients. To store the spirulina, it must be kept in the freezer.


  • Free shipping and a free reusable bottle with your first subscription.

  • Minimum subscription of two orders.

  • No permanence: cancel anytime, easily and at no cost.

48.00 € 48.0 EUR 48.00 €

46.15 €

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    The plan for this product is  Subscripció espirulina fresca
    Chose how often it's delivered.We'll send you a reminder before each delivery


    Helps you
    lose weight

    your body

    Local production



    No plastic


    Take it out of the freezer.

    About the single dose

    Include it in your meals *

    *Do not heat spirulina  to avoid losing its  nutrients.

    Enjoy it as you wish!

    And for you...

    • You are looking for natural products.
    • You feel like you lack vitality.
    • You have digestion problems.
    • You have iron deficiency.
    • You want to lose weight.
    • You are looking for an extra energy boost and want to speed up muscle recovery.
    • You want to strengthen your immune system.
    • You want to take care of yourself and prevent premature aging.

    I want to start today!

    How does it help you?

    Nutritional information

    It helps you improve your muscle and cell growth, increase your strength and endurance, and also allows you to recover faster. Whether you are a sports enthusiast or just starting out.
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    Spirulina helps prevent oxidative stress caused by sport and also contributes to reducing muscle inflammation after exercise.
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    Spirulina, especially fresh spirulina, improves intestinal traffic thanks to the combination of magnesium, fiber and chlorophyll. These components not only stimulate intestinal movements, but also promote the proliferation of healthy bacteria, thus improving the absorption of nutrients and contributing to the balance and health of microorganisms in the colon. In addition, its richness in pro and prebiotics is key to regulating the microbiota, comprehensively enhancing digestive well-being.

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    Its anti-inflammatory effect helps improve the health condition caused by chronic diseases. In addition, thanks to the iron and magnesium contained in spirulina, you can reduce muscle pain, strengthen muscle growth, mobility and prevent muscle and joint injuries.

    Si tu objetivo es perder peso, la espirulina definitivamente te puede ayudar, por su poder saciando. Sin embargo, los productos milagrosos no existen, y para obtener buenos resultados tendrás que combinarlo con actividad física y una dieta sana y equilibrada. Para un efecto óptimo lo mejor es tomarla antes unos 30 minutos antes de las comidas.

    Más información: More information ]

    La espirulina es uno de los alimentos más ricos en antioxidantes, como la ficocianina y el super-óxido Dismutasa, unas sustancias que combaten los radicales libres y reducen la producción de moléculas inflamatorias.

    Es especialmente beneficiosa para pieles sensibles, reactivas o con afecciones como la rosácea, la psoriasis o la piel atópica gracias a sus propiedades antioxidantes, antiinflamatorias y calmantes, contribuye a fortalecer la barrera cutánea. Además, se puede utilizar tanto por vía tópica, aplicándola directamente sobre la piel, como por vía oral. Para obtener los mejores resultados, se recomienda combinar ambas formas de uso, puesto que esta doble aplicación potencia sus beneficios.
    Más información: More information ]

    Anemia: Favorece la regeneración de la sangre y la formación de hematíes gracias a su elevado contenido en hierro, además, de potenciar una rápida absorción de este mineral por parte del organismo.

    Colesterol: Contribuye a mejorar los niveles de colesterol gracias a sus ácidos grasos esenciales, que ayudan a reducir las tasas de colesterol LDL y los triglicéridos, promoviendo así una mejor salud cardiovascular.
    Más información: More information ]

    Diabetes tipo II: Contribuye a mejorar el índice glucémico, puesto que favorece una mejor utilización de la glucosa por parte de las células.
    Más información: More information ]

    La espirulina refuerza el sistema cognitivo y nervioso, incentivando el buen funcionamiento cerebral y equilibrando los niveles de estrés y cambios de humor.
    Más información: More information ]

    What will you feel?

    3 days

    More vitality
    and less fatigue

    Movement in the
    digestive system

    of the body
    15 days

    Strengthening the
    immune system

    Reduction of inflammation
    and joint pain

    Improving the glycemic index
    30 days

    Healthy skin

    Mental clarity and
    emotional balance

    hair and nails

    * Based on our customers' experience with a daily dose. This may not be the case for all organisms.


    Freshly harvested Spirulina


    Included in your subscription


    We guarantee the security of your purchase


    Here we are for what you need

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What’s included?

    The subscription includes two boxes, each containing 30 single doses, for a total of 60 single doses.

    When will I receive it?

    You will receive your order every 30, 60, or 90 days, depending on the frequency you selected. However, you can modify your subscription. Just write to us at... and let us know the new frequency you'd like.

    How much space does it take in the freezer?

    You’ll receive two boxes, each measuring 8 cm wide, 16 cm long, and 8 cm high. If you don’t have enough space, we recommend removing the single doses from the boxes to save room. Don’t miss out on your dose of vitality!

    When is the payment made?

    The payment is processed automatically according to your subscription, every 30, 60, or 90 days.

    How is the payment made?

    The payment is processed automatically using the payment method you selected when subscribing.


    How do I know when my order will arrive?

    When your spirulina is ready, you’ll receive a confirmation email, and we’ll notify you via WhatsApp once the delivery date is confirmed.

    How can I cancel my subscription?

    It’s very easy! Just send us an email at It’s very easy! Just send us an email at with your name, surname, and email or phone number. If you’d like, you can also let us know why (we love hearing from you!). Remember to notify us at least 2 days before your next payment. It’s that simple.

    Can I change the frequency?

      Of course! You can adjust the subscription to your pace. Send us an email at if you’d like to modify your frequency. We suggest these options.

      ◦ If you're an athlete or want to share: Receive it every 30 days. ◦ If you want to always have your dose of wellness: Receive it every 60 days.

      ◦ And if you prefer to take it slower: Receive it every 90 days.

    Is there a discount for large orders?

    Yes, we offer discounts for larger orders: 10% off when purchasing 2 subscriptions and 15% off for 3 or more. The discount is automatically applied at checkout.

    Is there a minimum subscription period?

    Yes, two deliveries of 60 single doses per unit.

    Customer Reviews